
Visual Inspections and Anomaly Detection

Groundlight is a complete machine learning-powered computer vision solution for industrial inspection, anomaly detection, and much more.  The Groundlight Compute Module plugs directly into any e-series or CB-series robot and works with most industrial cameras including USB, GigE, RTSP, and many other types of streams including some depth cameras.  The URCap allows you to quickly add image queries to your programs for anomaly detection, setup verification, part identification, and more.

Optimized for high-mix environments, setup verification, and part identification. Groundlight is low-cost, easy to operate, quick to deploy and thrives in complex visual environments where conventional computer vision capabilities fall short.  Using Groundlight's unique cloud-based AI model orchestration and escalation technology, the solution starts working from the first query and learns from both local and remote operator input as necessary.

The Groundlight URCap can also generate inspection reports in addition to extensive statistics and performance analysis available through the Groundlight app.

Get started now with cutting-edge and future-proofed computer vision capabilities today.

Products in the Visual Inspections and Anomaly Detection family

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